top-banner-acura-18-01_0001_top-banner-solucoes A ACURA é pioneira no mercado de RFID no Brasil e América Latina.


Security of Goods

Eletronic Security

Security of Goods
Security of Goods

Security is a topic that involves all segments of society, from the care with the collective patrimony under Public Security responsibility, as private assets with Private Security. Goods such as laptops, works of art, measuring instruments, and other higher value-added assets are often targeted by the greed of marginals who in many situations take advantage of the carelessness of people in seemingly safe environments and steal without a trace. RFID security systems allow companies to effectively track their assets from when items are purchased until they are discarded, making it easier to schedule recurring maintenance and run and record those events with audit reports. The use of active tags is a safe and effective measure to protect these assets, allowing the automatic monitoring of them, detecting the simple movement or removal of the asset.



logo A ACURA é pioneira no mercado de RFID no Brasil e América Latina.

  • Location

  • Avenida Antártico, 381, 14th floor
  • São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo - SP